Classic porridge recipe

20 April 2017 by
First published: 26 March 2016

Be careful when you buy your porridge, as some brands will cram a lot of sugar in there. This classic porridge recipe is a good breakfast option as it is renowned for releasing energy slowly, which means you can get to lunch without suffering from a lull. A great source of fibre, potassium and vitamins, bananas are always a good accompaniment to your morning oats.


50g of oats

300ml almond milk (Use more or less depending on taste) 

1 banana


Mix your oats and almond milk together in a pan, bring to a steady simmer on a low heat for five to six minutes, stirring often.

If you prefer your porridge runnier, simply add a splash more milk until you reach a consistency you like.

Recipe courtesy of DW Fitness

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Classic porridge recipe
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