Christmas quinoa trifle recipe

7 October 2015 by
First published: 17 December 2014

We know quinoa’s not just for Christmas! But this Christmas quinoa trifle recipe is a clever change-up on a classic festive dishwasher.

There is nothing quite like this trifle! As Christmas is an indulgent time of year, it can be eaten for either breakfast or dessert! All the flavours of Christmas in one mouthful and not too calorific, that’s what we like to hear!

Serves 2


For the fruit layer:

35g dried pitted dates
15g raisins
75ml orange juice
32g quinoa flakes
1/8tsp mixed spice

For the trifle:

2 x madeira cake
250g Greek yoghurt
Orange Cointreau

For the crunchy topping:

Amaretti biscuits, crushed
20g dried cranberries, diced

First make the fruit payer by soaking dates and raisins in 30ml water overnight. Transfer the fruit mix (and its water content) to a medium sized pan. Add orange juice, mixed spice and quinoa flakes and bring to the boil. Once cooled, blend to a smooth paste. Allow to cool.

Slice the madeira cake into thick slices. Then using a biscuit cutter, make four thick discs, then cut each in half (resulting in four round discs).

To assemble the trifle, place a layer of cake at the bottom, sprinkle with Cointreau, then spoon a layer of fruit, followed by cake and then yoghurt. Repeat 2-3 times finishing off with yoghurt on the top. Then assemble again for the other glass.

The trifle can be covered and chilled for up to two days at this point. To serve, sprinkle over the cranberries and crushed amaretti.

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Christmas quinoa trifle recipe
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