Chocolate avocado mousse recipe

7 October 2015 by
First published: 15 February 2015

This chocolate avocado mousse recipe contains all the added benefits of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and high amounts of protein and fibre. The ingredients work so well together creating this creamy delicious thick mousse. Adapted from I Quit Sugar recipe book by Sarah Wilson.

Serves 2


1 ripe avocado

62ml chilled coconut cream

25g coco powder (I used Green and Blacks)

½tsp chia seeds

4tbsp maple syrup

½tsp vanilla essence

¼tsp cinnamon

Pinch of sea salt


Place the coconut cream in the fridge overnight.

Combine all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Spoon the mousse into teacups or small ramekins. Place in the fridge overnight to firm up.

Serve with a sprinkle of nuts of your choice or berries.

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Chocolate avocado mousse recipe
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