Cheese and tomato quinoa toastie recipe

7 October 2015 by
First published: 1 December 2014

It’s chilly out so what better than this cheese and tomato quinoa toastie recipe from Sally Roch.

Ok, so cheese on toast isn’t traditionally healthy but we all know there’s nothing better than eating melted cheese on toast! But did you know you can get quinoa bread? Us neither! Seriously simple the protein-rich quinoa bread will keep you nice and full – 100% guaranteed satisfaction!

Serves 1

Handful of grated cheese (Cheddar or Red Leicester is best) 1tsp unsalted butter 1tsp tomato chutney (or ketchup) 2 slices of quinoa sourdough bread (I use Gail’s)

Slice two slices of quinoa sourdough bread and butter both slices. Spread a thin layer of chutney (or ketchup) on one slice of bread (on the inside). Grate a generous amount of cheese and sprinkle this on top of the tomato spread.

Place the second piece of bread on top. Melt butter in a non-stick fry pan and fry for about 3 minutes each side or place in a toasty machine. If using a frying pan try applying weight to the top of the sandwich to help achieve a golden finish.

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Cheese and tomato quinoa toastie recipe
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