Carrot orange and ginger smoothie recipe

12 October 2015 by
First published: 9 October 2015

All hail the humble orange in this carrot orange and ginger iced smoothie. It’s a total health saviour this time of year – when the germs that cause coughs, colds and sniffles are floating their evil way around trains, buses and workplaces across the land. Luckily, topping up your vitamin C levels can be just the solution to fend off these pesky germs. So try blending up this super-bright smoothie and get a double hit of vits with the oranges and carrots. Plus, it’s also a rich source of folate, vitamin B1 and B6, vitamin k, copper and potassium.



1tbsp olive oil

1 orange, peeled, halved

Zest of ½ orange

125g carrots, cut and unpeeled

5g ginger

30g sugar

750ml ice cubes



Place olive oil, the orange and its zest, carrot, ginger and sugar into the Vitamix 40 oz. container in the order listed and secure lid.

Turn the dial to 1 and slowly increase speed to 10. Blend for 1 minute.

Add ice to the container. Turn dial to 1 and slowly increase speed to 10. Blend for 30 seconds, using tamper to press ingredients into the blades.


Recipe courtesy of Vitamax

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Carrot orange and ginger iced smoothie
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