Blackberry yoghurt lolly recipe

8 October 2015 by
First published: 6 September 2014

Most ice cream is a high-fat, high-sugar diet disaster but these blackberry yoghurt lolly recipe has zero fat and is high in protein. They’re also a gorgeous colour and have a comforting creamy texture, so you’ll never know you’re eating a diet treat.

Makes 4 servings

80g stevia-based natural sweetener or xylitol

150g blackberries

120g reduced-fat Greek yoghurt

Juice of 1 lemon



1. Put the natural sweetener and 40ml water in a saucepan. Heat, stirring, over a low heat until the natural sweetener has dissolved and the mixture is syrupy. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool completely.

2. Meanwhile, put the blackberries in a blender or food processor and process to a smooth purée. Using the back of a metal spoon, press the purée through a sieve into a clean bowl. Discard the pulp and pips.

3. Return the blackberry purée to the blender or food processor and add the sweetener syrup, yoghurt and lemon juice. Process again until smooth, then pour the mixture into four lolly moulds and freeze for 2–3 hours. When the lollies have completely frozen, remove from the moulds and serve. If the lollies are stuck, briefly hold the moulds under hot running water and carefully remove the lollies.


Per serving:

Calories: 23

Protein: 2.6g

Carbohydrates: 2.6g

Fat: 0g




Photography by Toby Scott


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Blackberry yoghurt lolly recipe
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