Beat winter colds

24 October 2014 by
First published: 24 October 2014
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2. Get some sunshine
Ok, so we’d all love to be basking in the sun in Morrocco and the like to top up our vitamin D levels, but if you’re too time and cash poor for a hot­ weather adventure, it’s still important to get outside and soak up what you can. ‘Vitamin D aka, ‘the sunshine vitamin’ is extremely important for strong immunity,’ says Natalie. ‘Try to get at least 15 minutes of midday sunshine without sunscreen (longer exposure without protection could lead to sunburn and possibly skin cancer) to top up fat­soluble vitamin D stored over the summer months to last us over the winter or take a vitamin D3 supplement over the winter months.’ Even getting out for a walk or run at lunchtime with your face and hands on show will help.

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