Beat winter colds

24 October 2014 by
First published: 24 October 2014
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Work colleagues going down like no tomorrow in the struggle to beat Winter colds and flu? Never fear, we’re here to make sure you beat the sniffles and make it through the chillier months in one piece!

1. Look after your gut
No seriously, low immunity can be as to do with your digestive system as anything else. ‘Many people aren’t aware that up to 70% of our immune cells are located in the gut and that our gut bacteria play an essential role in supporting a strong immune system,’ says nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb. ‘This can be compromised during the winter months if busy fighting off bugs.’ But you can relax, as there’s any easy answer. ‘Multi­strain probiotics such as Bio­-Kult have been shown to significantly shorten common colds and reduce the severity of symptoms,’ says Natalie.

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