9 health tips for people who hate being healthy

20 April 2017 by
First published: 13 January 2016

Personal trainer, Instagram star and Muscle Food ambassador Courtney Pruce shares her top ‘stick at it’ tips for people who just really hate being healthy.

Make your food look and taste nice

If you make healthy food delicious and add variety to your meals you’re more likely to enjoy it and stick to the healthy eating plan.  

Stay consistent

Things take time and changes don’t happen overnight. Just trust what you’re doing is right and keep going, even when it feels hard!

Do activities you actually enjoy

Never force yourself to do forms of exercise you hate. This way it won’t become a chore and you’re more likely to stick to it. If you don’t like the gym, try boxercise, spinning, group workouts or swimming instead!  

Set achievable goals

Set yourself realistic goals that are achievable in a reasonable time frame. Setting goals for yourself that are too far-fetched will only lead to loss of motivation and disappointment when you realise they’re unachievable. 

Don’t be too restrictive

Treat yourself every now and then! This doesn’t mean eat really well all week and then binge like crazy at the weekend. Instead, if you allow yourself a treat every so often after all your hard work, then this will allow you to develop a healthy relationship with food. 


Diets that are too low in calories are difficult to sustain and means weight loss will quickly stall, as your body is put in an incredibly stressed state and your fat-burning hormones are suppressed. So make sure you’re eating enough every day.

Concentrate your carbs

To get their energy-boosting benefits, eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates either 90 minutes before or after you train, and avoid consuming carbs for breakfast.

Ditch those sugary breakfast cereals

Keep your breakfasts high in protein and healthy fat, as this will encourage fat burning. Choose avocados, whole eggs, smoked salmon and nut butter.  

Be picky with your food

Try and stick to wholefood sources and avoid anything processed. Meats, fish, eggs, nuts, grains, fruit and vegetables are all much better for you and can taste amazing too!