7 things you can do to say NO to cake

8 March 2017 by
First published: 7 July 2015

If you find that you’re nibbling on treats simply because they’re within arm’s reach, here are 7 things you can do to say no to cake next time the office treats tin goes round.

Keeping healthy when you’re in the office can be a challenge, especially when the 3pm snack attack strikes or you’re tempted by muffins at your daily morning meeting. And it’s not just the office that poses a big diet pitfall. Having a buzzing social life also makes it difficult to be virtuous. From dinner parties to regularly eating out in restaurants, dieting can often take a backseat when your social calendar calls. But that’s why we’re here! We’ve put together our top tips to help you stay firmly on the diet wagon whatever the occasion.


1 Load up on protein

Noshing on a well balanced diet will help stave off blood sugar crashes so you’re less likely to cave into temptation when treats are passed round. Protein forms an important part of any diet as it helps to keep you satiated for longer. ‘Focus on more protein like lentils, fish and avocados,’ says nutritional therapist Shani Shaker.


2 Eat mostly plants

If you’re desperate to slim down, clean eating is a must and junk food is a big no! Make sure you eat around seven to nine portions of fruit and vegetables daily. The healthier you feel, the easier it is to say no to a sugar fix. ‘Plants should form 75 per cent of your plate to ensure that you get enough nutrients in your diet,’ explains Shani.


3 Keep healthy snacks at hand

It’s hard to say no when biscuits are being passed around the office, but keeping a stash of healthy snacks in your desk drawer will help you on your mission. Oatcakes, protein bars and mini packets of raw mixed nuts can be a lifesaver when it’s cake time.


4 Minimise sugar

Good news! It’s good to cheat every now and again. Allowing yourself the odd indulgence prevents you from feeling deprived and helps you stick to a healthy diet in the long run. ‘Think of sugar as an occasional treat and eat it sparingly to help you stick to your wellbeing goals,’ advises Shani. So we’ll have that sticky toffee pudding then!


5 Reach for cinnamon

Cinnamon doesn’t just make food taste better, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels so you’re less likely to give into cravings. This spice also provides a metabolism boost and aids digestion. Sprinkle on to smoothies, soups and porridge.


6 Focus on nuts and seeds

Studies show that people who eat breakfast are slimmer than those who don’t. Start your day with a big breakfast such as porridge topped with nuts and seeds to help you resist mid-morning diet derailers. ‘Nuts and seeds are full of protein, minerals, and good fats, plus they lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes,’ says Shani.


7 Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water (around eight big glasses a day) will help to nix sugary cravings. When you think you’re hungry you might actually be thirsty. Find drinking plain water a bore? Liven it up with cucumber, lemon and mint.