6 things you should be snacking on

7 October 2015 by
First published: 21 May 2015

Leave the ‘healthy’ baked crisps and yoghurt-coated raisins on the shelf, these are the 6 things you should be snacking on.

It’s a trend that’s taken us health-conscious folk by storm…and rightly so! Being superfood-savvy reaps countless benefits for our bodies and equips our insides with all the essential vitamins we need to run smoothly.

Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, superfoods help your immune system and can boost energy levels, making them great to include as part of a nutritious balanced diet. Though there is no real medical definition of what a superfood is, it’s basically a food that’s chock-a-block with nutrients.

Here at WHL HQ ,we love our superfoods so we thought we’d give you some food for thought and share our office faves.


Aduna Baobab Bar
We love these Aduna Baobab superfruit raw energy bars. The African fruit baobab is the nutritional powerhouse we expect to be seeing a lot more of in the near future. Packed with vitamin C, fibre and iron, it’s a treat for the skin and immune system. With a 100 per cent organic blend including pineapple and almonds, the bar rates highly in our superfood charts! They’re great for on the go too.
£1.89, aduna.com


BetterYou Dlux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray
Vitamin D is essential for the health of our bones, teeth and immune system as it regulates the amount of calcium in your body. If you’re stuck inside an office all day, unable to absorb D-loving sunshine, or you want to avoid prolonged periods in the sun, exposing yourself to harmful rays, this is a marvellous alternative. The simple Vit-D spray carries vitamin D directly into the bloodstream, just as a tablet would.
£7.95, hollandandbarrett.com


Neal’s Yard Wholefoods Chai Seeds
Loaded with nutrients and containing few calories, chai seeds are an excellent source of goodness for your body and brain. High in fibre, protein and good omega fats they’re a wholegrain-wonder for our health. We love topping our smoothies and porridge with these splendid seeds.
£5.99 for 275g, hollandandbarrett.com


Beet It juice
Beet it, just beet it! There’s no red juice better: beetroot juice supplies our bodies with iron, magnesium and potassium. Full of natural goodness, Beet It organic juice will feed you countless benefits and, with a hint of apple blended in, your taste buds will approve too.
£32 for 24, jameswhite.co.uk

They’re one of the most popular superfoods and with good reason! Blueberries are one of the best choices of fruit to opt for. Low in calories and high in nutrients including vitamin C and K, fibre and manganese they taste amazing on protein pancakes and with Greek yoghurt.
£2.50, waitrose.com


Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a nutritious source of protein, magnesium and phosphorous. They are also rich in zinc, essential for cell growth, immunity and eye health. The must-eat super seeds work well as a snack or mixed into a salad for added nutritional value and crunch.
£1.25, tesco.com