5 hangover cures you need in your life

26 June 2015 by
First published: 27 June 2015

If you want a booze-filled weekend without the morning-after blues, try these 5 hangover cures you need in your life, and your body will thank you!

The inevitable reminder of a raucous night, hangovers are literally a pain to get rid of. But before you reach for the medicine cabinet, try these superfood antidotes.


  1. Tomatoes

They’re not just pasta’s best friend – tomatoes are also great for injecting some nutrients back into your deficient body after last night’s vomathon. Researchers at the National Centre for Food Safety & Technology found that tomatoes contain protective mechanisms and anti-inflammatory functions – and unlike in other fruits and vegetables, it has greater bioavailability (absorption into the blood stream) after it’s been cooked and processed.


  1. Eggs

Don’t worry, we’re not talking the raw kind. Eating eggs could make you feel tip-top by the afternoon. “Eggs are full of protein and fat-soluble vitamins, and they’re surprisingly easy to eat after a night out,” says nutritionist Jo Travers. “Often people crave carbs with a hangover and mixing in some good-quality protein from eggs will help lower the glycaemic load of the carbs and keep blood sugar levels nice and steady.” The healthiest way to eat them is poached if you’re on the road to recovery.


  1. Coconut water

You’re probably dehydrated, so in order to reverse last night’s sins, drink something with added minerals. A better choice than calorific sports drinks, coconut water is high in magnesium and potassium, essential for boosting your immune system. “It’s good for rehydration, which is often a problem after drinking too much booze,” says Jo. “This is partly because alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means more fluids are drawn from your body and excreted in urine.”


  1. Bananas

Craving something sweet? Then tuck into some bananas –they’re high in potassium and brilliant at perking you up. Better than a sugar-loaded muffin, it helps keep blood-sugar levels steady and “they also contain some carbohydrate, which is great for boosting energy”, says Jo. Dragging yourself off the sofa is suddenly looking more likely.


  1. Green smoothies

If you’re still in the mood for downing something, then make it a green, green glass full of healthy veg. “Green smoothies are rich in flavonoids for which there is emerging research showing benefits for the body and brain,” says Travers. Spinach and kale are both perfect. “You don’t have to have it in a smoothie though having some spinach in your omelets or eggs Florentine is just as good and might not make you gag as much!” says Jo.