3 ways to eat well when you fly

19 August 2015 by
First published: 21 August 2015

Don’t let airport fast food and dodgy in-flight dinners derail your healthy eating; follow these 3 ways to eat well when you fly and sail into your holiday super healthy.


Don’t skip brekkie
And oldie, but a goodie. This applies to travel time, too. Your flight may be at an awkward time but that’s no excuse for skipping brekkie then gorging on a ham and cheese toastie later. Instead whip up a healthy smoothie you can drink on the go. Pack it with plenty of nutrient-rich berries and some nut butter or yoghurt to up the protein content and boom, breakfast is served.


Prep your snacks
Don’t get caught out when hunger strikes. A bar of choc or bag of crisps can be tempting if your stomach’s rumbling and there aren’t any healthier options on offer. So be prepared! Pop a handful of protein-rich nuts in a small bag or Tupperware you can carry in your handbag and access when your belly starts growling.


Pick wisely
Lunch at the airport? Consider you options and make a healthy choice. Soups can be a good option if the choice is limited and if you’re not a fan, a protein-packed or veggie sandwich might be your best bet.