10 things only healthy-eating fanatics know

11 August 2015 by
First published: 17 August 2015

Eating virtuously is like a hobby: we throw ourselves into the scene and get kind of geeky about it – and to prove the point, here are 10 things only healthy-eating fanatics know. Familiar?


1. Coconut oil is king

How did we ever cook without it?


2. One jar of nut butter is never enough
Cashew, almond, peanut… there are so many options! Why choose?


3. Whole Foods Market is a girl’s best friend

We could spend HOURS in there!


4. Every kitchen needs a herb shelf/garden
We can’t live with out our sprawling potted mint/corainader/basil collection.


5. Chia seeds are our tiny friends

They may look weird, but they’re crazy versatile and make a mean healthy dessert!


6. Salads are for winners

Not losers!


7. Green juice is what dreams are made of
No, really. Kale, ginger, spinach… get it all in!


8. Tupperware is officially cool
Made with love in your kitchen, carried to work safely and enjoyed while everyone around you eats a Pret sandwich, the homemade lunch rules supreme.


9. Sunday is prep day
Cook a batch of healthy goodness, pop it in seven days’ worth of Tupperware and you’re done for the week.


10. Healthy baking rocks
Although explaining to your friends what went into your healthy cheesecake can be a bit of a mission….