Christmas day to-do list

18 December 2014 by
First published: 25 December 2014

Revel in the festive spirit and tuck into the treats with our Christmas day to-do list

1. Eat your bodyweight in mince pies
It’s the only time of year it’s acceptable to eat these little beauties and by boxing day your thoughts will start to turn to the January health kick, so tuck in while you can!

2. Go for a run
Wait, bear with us! There are three great reasons to go for a run on Christmas day. Firstly it gives you a great excuse to escape any boring relatives, family arguments or Christmas dinner chores; secondly if you smash out a speedy 5K in the morning you won’t feel the slightest bit guilty about tucking into that second round of Christmas pud or polishing off the selection box your gran gave you; and thirdly it gives you a chance to wish your neighbours, friends or fellow runners a Merry Christmas!

3. Give to charity
Christmas is the time for giving, so why not give to those who are most in need? Even a small amount of money, or a promised donation of your time in the new year, could make a big difference to someone this Christmas.

4. Watch Love Actually
Oh c’mon, who isn’t a sucker for the romantic story lines, Hugh Grant as the Prime Minister and that little girl belting out All I want for Christmas at the end?

5. Scout the sales
Hit the sofa in your PjJs, grab your laptop and have a sneaky pre-boxing day look at the shops. You’ll make better purchases once the discounts start rolling in if you’ve actually had a look at what’s out there and what you might actually want the day before. The sales are also a great time to stock up on new fitness kit before the January health kick starts! Awesome fitness wear brand Wellicious kick their sale off on 27 December and WHL fave Active in Style (which stocks Lorna Jane, Lexie and Vie Active) is offering up to 40% off from 26 December.

Merry Christmas!