The high-fat diet

10 February 2015 by
First published: 15 February 2015

Want to eat fat and lose weight? Do it right and it might just be possible. Louise Pyne shows us how to shrink our waistlines with a low-carb, high-fat diet.

Fat has a bad rep, but not all fats are the bad guys – in fact eating more of this macronutrient could do your body some serious good. Studies show that there are many benefits to be had if you follow a low-carb, high-fat diet including reduced cravings, improved sleep, greater energy and the big one – weight loss. In her new book, The High Fat Diet, Zana Morris, founder of London’s The Library Gym reveals exactly how to indulge in fatty foods and still lose weight. Yes, really!

Following a high-fat diet will cause the body to switch from burning sugar as a fuel to burning fat as a fuel, resulting in a dramatic loss of fat.

What to expect

Following a high-fat diet will cause the body to switch from burning sugar as a fuel to burning fat as a fuel, resulting in a dramatic loss of fat. ‘Many readers report a 14lbs weight loss in 14 days as the body easily moves from the fat you are eating to its own fat reserves. As fats are the most efficient source of food energy, (each gram provides nine calories compared with just four calories for carbohydrates and proteins), energy levels also increase as well as feelings of satiety, reducing the need for snacking between meals,’ explains Zana. Here are her top tips to get the most out of eating this way:

1 Skip low-fat foods

When fat is taken out of our diets, it’s usually replaced with carbohydrates which can be bad news for weight loss. The fat in our food holds the flavour and provides texture, and for this very reason, manufacturers frequently replace it with sugars so it’s more appealing to tastebuds.

2 Limit carbs

Gram per gram, carbohydrates may be lower in calories. However, they do cause an increase in insulin, the hormone that can stimulate appetite and increase cravings, resulting in snacking, and worse, insulin actually causes fat gain around the belly.

3 Eat the right fats

Great fats include avocados which are a good source of vitamin K and folate, along with nuts such as walnuts as these are packed with vitamin E.  Fish oils are crammed with omega-3, a natural anti-inflammatory which is also renowned for its benefits for both brain and eye function. Olive oil provides omega-9, while coconut oil is unusually high in special medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are harder for our bodies to convert into stored fat and easier for them to burn off than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).

Did you know?

Fat also helps ensure the intestines absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins D, A, E and K and are also a vital part of the membrane that surrounds each cell of the body. Without a healthy cell membrane, the rest of the cell couldn’t function.

A typical day on Zana’s high fat diet:


Smoked salmon with cream cheese and walnuts


Eggs scrambled with butter, mascarpone, and served with pine nuts and pesto.


Large green avocado salad, with an olive oil and lemon dressing, with freshly grilled sardines


Cucumber and mint Salad with king prawns and a feta and avocado dip.

Evening meal

Roast lamb or rib-eye steak creamed spinach


Fresh grilled tuna steak on a bed of rocket and served with an avocado, ginger & chilli salsa.