10 tips for a sugar detox

22 October 2014 by
First published: 21 October 2014

Trying to kick sugar to the kerb? Eliminate the sweet stuff from your diet with our 10 tips for a sugar detox

Physically detoxing from sugar is just half of the battle. Chances are, you also have some strong emotional ties to address, too. Your attachment to sugar is likely to be deeply engrained in social practices, routines and rituals. If you want complete sugar-free success, you need to give the emotional side of sugar some serious thought.

Here’s Laura Thomas’ 10-step guide to get you started on overcoming the psychological and emotional side of your sweet tooth.

1. Brainstorm and get to the bottom of your sugar consumption

Make time to sit and list all the occasions where you tend to eat sweets. Whether it’s Christmas, birthday parties or after dinner, recognise each one and take note.

2. Are you eating alone or with others?

Identify if you’re more public or private about your sweets. Public habits can indicate a social calendar and a lifestyle contributing to your downfalls. A late night binge by yourself is linked to self-control and emotional triggers.

3. Separate events from food

Ask yourself if the food is essential to the event and how much it truly affects your enjoyment – whether it’s going to the movies, visiting a relative or an annual occasion like Christmas. Be aware that most people always over-estimate how much they need food to enjoy special events. Make a note if there are other non-food elements of the event that you can appreciate, for example, the connection with loved ones at Christmas.

4. Pinpoint the real craving

Often when we reach for sweets, there’s something deeper going on inside. Are you craving distraction at work, or relief from a stressful situation? Once you discover the deeper craving, you can look for alternatives that will actually help you achieve what you really want.

5. Find the strategies that work for you

With the detailed understanding of your sweet habits, you can start thinking about alternatives that feed the deeper cravings, and address the specifics of each situation. Think about replacements and distractions in each context. Try a little cheese or coffee if you’re craving a treat at the end of a meal. Call a friend while you’re having your cup of tea when you want distraction between tasks at work.

6. Repeat, repeat, repeat

Habits form through repetition. Creating or changing habits require willpower in the beginning. Be aware that it will be harder to say no to the office cakes at the start, but once you’ve done it 10 times, your response will start to automate and you won’t require as much willpower.

7. Mourn and move on

You’ll feel sad at times. You’ll feel like you’re missing out. You’ll ask yourself if you really want to do this. Trust the process, keep going and know that it fades with time. When you end a romantic relationship, it’s natural to feel sad for a period of time. It’s very similar with sugar.

8. Create a new craving for control and health

Take pride and have confidence in your choices. Often, others can initially resist your changes because it highlights their weakness. Stick to your guns and take pride in every decision that supports your end goal. Start to crave healthy decisions over sugar.

9. Fail and learn

It’s a bumpy road. You won’t glide through a sugar break-up without the odd hiccup. Accept that failures happen, learn from them, and move on without another thought. Don’t plague yourself with guilt.

10. Believe in yourself

If you do all of the above, but you still think you’ll either give in, fail or won’t be able to resist your favorite treats, you need to switch your thinking. You’re as capable as anyone at doing whatever you decide, but you need to believe it. Wouldn’t it be nice to surprise yourself and actually turn down the most tempting, delicious sweet food in the hardest situation?! Commit to this, even just once. You’ll install that ‘can do’ attitude and have the perfect ammunition for next time.

Laura Thomas is a certified health coach helping you to find a new happy balance with your sweet tooth and to finally get life-long control around sugar. Follow Laura on Twitter  and Instagram to get lots of pretty low-sugar inspiration and sign up for a FREE 4-part video course showing you how to embrace a practical lower sugar lifestyle where you can still have your cake and eat it!