5 tips for a gym newbie

10 October 2014 by
First published: 13 October 2014

These 5 tips for a gym newbie will make sure you’ve got etiquette down to a tee next time you hit the gym

It’s not just those who are completely new to exercise that need a little helping hand when it comes to nailing gym protocol, staying safe and getting the results they’re after. When regular runners, outdoors exercisers and home gymmers take their exercise to the gym floor, it can get overwhelming no matter how fit you are. That’s why we’ve asked Equinox trainer Lee Brooks to give us his top five tips for getting it right when you’re new to the gym.

1. Get fixed 

‘It’s amazing how asymmetrical the body becomes and the muscle issues you pick up simply from adopting certain positions during work and everyday life. Remedy any muscle imbalances and you’ll avoid injuries, keeping you in the gym and getting results.’

2. Have a plan 

‘Know what you’re going to do each day you hit the gym including rest days, which are also crucial for results. Having a workout plan balances the whole body and its intended movements.’

3. Hit the weights 

‘Prioritise resistance and weight training for better strength, muscle definition, fat loss, a higher metabolism, better sleep and injury prevention. Add cardio at the end of the workout in the form of sprints and do longer duration cardio on a separate day if it needs to be in your programme.’

4. Hydrate 

‘Muscles contain a lot of water, and so does the whole body, come to think of it. So if you’re dehydrated the body doesn’t work as efficiently as it can, and muscle contraction is sub-standard, which means results are slower. If you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated so drink through the day as well as your workout.’

5. Train with intensity 

‘It’s better to train for 45 minutes with more intensity and less rest than for two hours working at medium intensity. 

The body gets used to lower intensity training quite quickly and results are slow and limited.

 Work up to a high intensity and make sure you consume protein after your workout for recovery.’