Post-summer slump workout

3 October 2014 by
First published: 6 October 2014
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Need an energy boost after the hectic summer? This post-summer slump workout is just what the doctor ordered

If, like us, your crazy schedule this summer – whether it was holidays, weddings or kids keeping you busy – has left you with a little bit more than just a dip in energy levels, then the last thing you probably feel like doing is hitting the gym. But exercising right could lift your spirits, boost your mood and seriously energise you.

Although becoming a couch potato might seem like the best option to recharge your batteries right now, we urge you to resist. Get on this workout to get your blood pumping, circulation on form and happy hormones in full swing.

Perform 3-5 sets of this workout depending on your level, taking a 15-30 second rest between each move.

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