The Comforter

19 September 2014 by
First published: 20 September 2014

After a treat to soothe a weary body and mind? The Comforter at Lush Spa is just the ticket

This week we’re raving about Lush Spa treatments! You’re feeling stressed out, and one too many late nights at work have left you both mentally and physically tired and to top it off you’ve just lost your last nerve arguing with your other half. Meh! Under normal circumstances you might reach for some comfort food, but we’ve found a healthy alternative, The Comforter spa treatment at Lush Spa.

It’s described as a warm and cosy treatment to help bring back the fun in your life, but the best bit is it involves being covered in chocolate!

the best bit is it involves being covered in chocolate!

Your treatment begins with a consultation after which you’ll be taken into the treatment room, which feels like a big warm comforting blanket! The room is dark and filled with an aroma that is very soothing and comforting. To really add to the relaxing experience, music is played, each treatment has its own playlist.

While you lay on the heated bed, you’ll be staring up at the stars in the celling, it’s a very magical experience. Then it’s time to put on the sleep cushion and begin your treatment.

The chocolate scrub is applied first to your front and gently massaged into the skin, using a lift and roll method. Contained in the chocolate or cocoa bar are aduki beans and tamarind fruit, to help exfoliate the skin.

The scrub is then removed using a warm towel and your skin is buffed. As you turn over for your back treatment, the sleep cushion is removed and the rose flavoured bubble machine is turned on.

The massage is carried out using a Rose clay, to brighten the skin. It contains argan oil to repair and is boosted with tamarind fruit. Then simply drift off as your body is given an Endless massage, which is describe as being like a dance around the body. You can have a shower once your treatment is complete, but you’re actually advised to leave the ingredients on as long as possible. This is because they continue to work after the treatment is finished.

To finish off you’re presented with a Cloud Cocktail, to wake you up and as a reminder of the ethos of the treatment, which is to have fun. It’s candy floss mixed with Rose syrup and it tastes just as delicious as it sounds.

For the seriously stressed out we recommend their Hard Days Night treatment. As the name suggests it’s a Beatles-inspired treatment, designed to release stress from the body with firm massage and gentle passive stretches. Alternatively you could put a spell on your stress and worry with The Spell treatment, which is done through stimulating reflex points through the feet, releasing tension and calming the mind.

We must warn you, these treatments are seriously relaxing. One member of staff had a treatment on her day off and she was later found sound asleep in the staff room!


The Comforter

60 mins £75


Hard Days Night

75 mins £85


The Spell

60 mins £55