4 reasons you’re not losing weight

26 August 2014 by
First published: 27 August 2014

Something holding your back from your weight loss goals but can’t quite pinpoint it? Read these 4 reasons you’re not losing weight

You are doing EVERYTHING possible, right? Chances are you’re making some common mistakes, here are 4 reasons you’re not losing weight. Here are some simple ways to fix those common mistakes. Let’s identify what some of these mistakes are and what you can to do fix them.

1. Not eating enough

So many people think they have to starve themselves or go on a very low-calorie, restricted diet in order to lose weight. When someone asks me why they aren’t losing weight, the first question I always ask them is, “are you eating enough?”. Fact of the matter is that if you are not consuming enough calories, especially when you are working out hard, your body is going to go into starvation mode and store any calories you eat for “future use”. Make sure that you are eating enough calories….good, clean calories of course.

2. Overtraining
Did you know that the body gets fitter during rest, not during work? I know you have a goal in mind, but if you do not give your body adequate recovery time then you will not see results as fast. You need to give yourself at least one, if not two, rest days and you also need to get enough sleep every night, at least 6-8 hours.

3. Eating ‘healthy’
I will hear from people, ‘but I eat really healthily!’. When I ask them to define what “healthy” means to them, I am always shocked by their answers. Remember, that the grocery store can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Avoid food that says low-fat, low-carb, heart healthy etc…these foods usually remove one component only to add another. Your best bet is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store…the things that have the least amount of shelf life.

4. Not pushing your workouts
Movement is always better than no movement, however, to get maximum results you really need to be pushing those workouts to your maximum effort level. If you haven’t already, invest in a heart rate monitor so that you can track your heart rate and identify whether or not you need to push it to the next level or not.

Danielle Katz is a top 10 Elite Star Diamond Beachbody Coach, for more visit her website.
