Top 5 Brazilian heath and beauty tips

12 July 2014 by
First published: 12 July 2014

Inspired by the beautiful Brazilian beaches – and Brazilians – flashing across our screens in the World Cup coverage?  Sports presenter Layla Anna-Lee, who’s half Brazilian herself, is in Brazil covering the World Cup for Adidas. So we caught up with her to get her top 5 Brazilian heath and beauty tips.





1. Coconut water
The benefits of fresh coconut water are endless and hydration in fitness is key. The heat here screams for constant rehydration and the Brazilians glow with health because of the amount of coconut water they consume. It’s fresh off the tree and cheap. The more the better!


2. Confidence
We always hear that confidence is beauty and Copacabana beach boasts confidence in bags. No matter what your shape, love your body and walk with confidence – it’s the Brazilians’ greatest weapon.


3. Fitness
Brazilians work out. Open air and with great self-regard they use the free beach gyms and exercise in front of others happily. In the UK we’re quite private about our fitness regimen and don’t like others looking at us gurning and sweating, however here it’s almost peacocking. It’s attractive and more importantly, it’s normal.


4. Sun cream
This is the most obvious product that the locals wear without fail. Whether it’s for preventing fine lines or serious illnesses, the Cariocas (people from Rio) are covered head to toe, come rain or shine. The skin is precious and the Brazilians highly respect that.


5. Time Take your time
Brazilians are known for being late, walking slow and enjoying every moment. They take their time to get ready. They take the time to stretch. They take their time to eat and enjoy food. All these things really make a massive difference to their overall wellbeing… Relax.


Layla Anna-Lee is a sports presenter and was the voice of the London 2012 opening ceremony! She has also presented for Eurosport and Sky Sports, and is currently in Brazil covering the World Cup for Adidas. She’s also a big fan of all things health and wellbeing, as you can see from her impressive pull-up on the beach in Brazil!


For more hot beauty and health tips follow Layla on twitter at @laylaloves