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Must-dos for autumn
First published: 7 September 2017

Erica bushShare This
Have your best autumn yet with these must-dos.
Here at WHL, we love Autumn. Marking the start of the festive season and chock-full with bonfires, scented candles and pumpkin-based foods, it’s one of the most enjoyable times of the year. Sure, you could spend the entirety of it curled up on the sofa, box-sets on and hot choc in hand (no judgement here), but we can think of a couple of other ways to spend the season, too.
Make sloe gin
Sloes – the autumnal berry akin (in appearance, not taste) to blueberries – are at their best after the first hard frost of the year, which is often around mid to late November. Pick them, add some gin and sugar (there are numerous recipes online), and you’ll have yourself a fruity tipple just in time for Christmas.
Start a knitting project
As we wind down for winter, autumn offers us the perfect chance to take up a new hobby or learn something new. And when it involves sitting down, getting comfy and potentially watching Netflix at the same time, it’s safe to say we’re sold on knitting.
Plant bulbs for next spring
They might not look much now, but once the festivities are over and the new year is underway, you might be grateful for the surprise come spring.
Make chutney
The longer chutney is in its jar, the better it gets (the fact it keeps so well is why so many people used to make it in wartime). Not only is it fun to make – think lots of chopping, stirring and simmering (not forgetting the festive smells wafting through the house) – it’s another great addition to the Christmas spread.
Buy a bird feeder
Whether you take an interest in our feathered friends or not, buying a bird feeder and stocking it with food is a simple way to help them in the cooler months, as cold frosts and snow make finding their own food difficult.
Build a bonfire
Rather than chucking your garden waste – leaves, clippings and old grass – why not use it to make your own bonfire, or contribute it to your local bonfire?
Transform your pinecones
Do it yourself or with the kids – collect as many pinecones as you can and then get creative decorating them. A nice idea is to spray-paint them gold and silver and scatter them amongst Christmas decorations come December.
Visit a farmer’s market
Farmer’s markets exhibit some of the freshest produce around – and it’s all local! Stock up on seasonal ingredients like squash and pumpkin and see what you can whip up in the kitchen.
Make a wreath
Wrap up warm and go for a walk, looking for natural items along your way. Pick up different coloured leaves, berries, twigs and dried flowers and make yourself a homemade wreath when you get home to transform your door.
Go candle shopping
Candles were made for autumn and winter. Seasonal scents of pumpkin spice, cinnamon, firewood, kitchen spices and pine make for the most beautiful smells to fill your home.