5 reasons to get outside

31 May 2014 by
First published: 1 June 2014

Whatever the weather, getting outdoors can do wonders for your health and mood. Check out these 5 reasons to get outside


1. Green is good

Getting out to the park or any green space could do wonders for your health. Studies show that people who moved to greener areas showed an immediate improvement in their mental health, which lasted for at least three years after they’d moved! So give yourself a boost with a stroll around the local park, a hike in the hills or a long cycle through the countryside.


2. It’ll wake you up

A morning workout in the great outdoors if a surefire way to perk you up and get you ready for the day! Try circuits in the park, a morning run or an outdoor swim to shake off those cobwebs.


3. You’ll get more vit D

Vitamin D will boost the health of your teeth and bones, as well as keeping your body and immune system healthy. Get outdoors in the sunshine to let your body soak up the good stuff. But do remember to apply sunscreen if you’ll be out for longer than a few minutes.


4. It’s a great excuse to explore

Running, cycling and even swimming can be great ways to explore your local area, finding hidden beauty spots and great new hangouts. It’s also the best way to explore new places. Go for a longer cycle to explore further afield or take your bike or running trainers on holiday and visits to friends’ places to explore new ground.


5. It’s a great way to relax and rejuvenate

Staying stuck to your desk all lunchtime will make you less productive in the afternoon. Makes time on your lunch break to get out in the fresh air, take a few deep breaths and let the stresses and strains of the morning float away. You’ll find your much more focused and more able to see problems with fresh eyes after a short walk in the outdoors.