Beat cellulite for good

21 May 2014 by
First published: 21 May 2014

Give orange peel the shove with our top tips for beating cellulite for good.

Eat smart
Your diet can have a huge impact on the health and appearance of your skin. As far as cellulite is concerned a well-balanced diet and steering clear of processed foods is key. ‘Refined and processed foods, dairy foods and high-sugar and high-fat products are best to avoid as much as possible as they contribute to cellulite,’ says Lucy Herring, senior skincare specialist at VOYA – the luxury organic skin and body care experts. All in all, eating well and sticking to the tried and tested ‘plenty of veg, lean protein and complex carbs’ school of thinking is the way forward.

Brush it off
Stimulating the skin can help to boost your circulation and disperse fat. The best way to do this at home is skin brushing. ‘Daily body brushing, stroking in the direction towards your heart, will increase fat dispersion.’ Massage is also effective so book in to your local spa or beauty centre for a well-deserved treat!

Drink up
Dehydration can make cellulite more visible. ‘It can cause fat cells to rise to the skin’s surface and make the skin’s lumping more pronounced,’ says Lucy. Sip water throughout the day and if you need a real hydration hit grab a coconut water.

Get up and out there
Staying active can also help to shift the dimples as it helps to boost your circulation. ‘Cellulite forms in areas with the least circulation so it means that without activity, it’s very hard to move it,’ says Lucy. ‘Even a small increase on your activity levels will have a positive effect in getting rid of dimpled skin if you are consistent and stick with it. Brisk walking is recommended for those who are very inactive but running and swimming are particularly effective as they increase blood circulation and help to loosen the fat tissues in the key areas.’