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5 foods to feed your muscles
First published: 4 July 2016

Louise PyneShare This
These 5 foods to feed your muscles should be on the menu post-workout. As we all know that staying active plays a big role in keeping healthy, but your sweat session shouldn’t end the moment you leave the gym, and what you eat following your workout is almost as important as the actual exercise you do.
While it’s true that constantly challenging yourself to work harder and changing up your routine helps to increase strength, muscles need proper nourishment in order to repair and rebuild tissue. Eating smart can not only help your muscles to recover, but also make your workout more effective too. Here are our top foods to help supercharge your muscle power…
A higher muscle mass equals a greater calorie burn, so add lean steak to your workout menu in order to maximise muscle power. With an impressive 35g protein per 100g, lean steak is also a good source of zinc, which further helps to heal post-exercise muscles.
This ancient South American grain is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids that your body requires. It’s a great source fibre to keep you feeling full and stop you reaching for snacks in between meals, plus quinoa is high in iron, which can help to offset post-exercise fatigue.
Greek yoghurt
Make sure you stock your fridge up with Greek yoghurt the next time you go for a workout. The creamy stuff is a fab source of protein, along with calcium and vitamin D, which is needed for healthy bones and muscles. Choose plain Greek yoghurt, as most flavoured varieties are packed with sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Whether you like them boiled, scrambled or poached, eggs are one of the best workout foods thanks to their nutrient-dense profile. There’s around 6g of easily-absorbable protein in the white, while the yolk is also incredibly nutritious, and a great source of energising B vitamins. Eggs are also super-portable, ridiculously cheap and quick to prepare, making them a great all-round muscle-repair food.
Tart cherries
Tart cherries are lauded as the ultimate workout superfood. Said to contain anti-inflammatory properties that reduce oxidative stress and help to relieve sore muscles, it’s thought that Montmorency cherries specifically could help endurance athletes boost their performance. For best results, drink a glass of Montmorency cherry juice before you hit the gym, as research shows consuming the drink prior to exercise could help to prevent muscle damage from occurring during your workout.