5 ways to have a healthier Easter

20 April 2017 by
First published: 11 March 2016

Easter and indulgence go hand-in-hand, but if you’re watching your diet, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate without completely falling off the healthy eating wagon. Here’s our top 5 ways to have a healthier Easter – while still having fun, of course!

1. Plan strategically

We naturally overeat when we’re hungry so before you dive into the Mini Eggs, make sure you fill up on nutritious food. Start the day with a filling breakfast, such as a big smoothie or bowl of porridge, as this will set the tone for the rest of the day’s eating habits. Make sure you eat little and often – think three square meals and two snacks in order to keep blood sugar levels balanced, so you’re less likely to scoff the sweet stuff.

2. Make wiser choices

Easter wouldn’t be the same without chocolate, so there’s no need to cut treats from your diet completely, but when a sweet craving calls come Easter Sunday, just make savvier choices. It’s that simple! Swapping regular milk chocolate for dark (70 per cent cocoa solids or more) can actually come with health benefits. Not only is dark chocolate stress-relieving – thanks to its high magnesium content – but it helps to increase blood flow, which keeps your heart in shape. Nibbling on a few squares of chocolate before a workout also helps to fight exercise fatigue, meaning you can push yourself harder during your session.

3. Eat slowly

If you want to make sure you don’t go overboard, take your time. Yes, it’s tempting to inhale a massive chocolate egg in one sitting, but eating slowly will guarantee that you eat less. It takes the body around 20 minutes to register that it’s full, so wolfing down treats mean you’ll eat more than your body needs. Take your time and you’ll suffer less bloating, consume less calories and still get to enjoy every delicious mouthful of chocolate!

4. Set yourself limits

It sounds boring, but structuring your daily food consumption can make all the difference to whether you shed those excess pounds. Chocolate is high in calories but it doesn’t mean you have to live without it. In fact, denying yourself the odd treat when you’re trying to eat healthily can be a dieter’s downfall, as it causes you to feel deprived, which often results in a binge. It’s perfectly healthy to enjoy a one or two bites of chocolate every day if you’re choosing raw or dark varieties and following a balanced diet the rest of the time. So make sure you set yourself a realistic limit that’s easy to stick to.

5. Exercise more

It’s a no-brainer, but staying active is an essential part of any diet regime. Mix in interval training with strength work to offset any Easter indulgences and keep your metabolism fired up. Aim for around three good sessions a week and keep tabs on your weekly progress. When you exercise you’re more likely to make healthier food choices so try and stick to a regular routine.