Celery, spinach and cucumber juice recipe

20 April 2017 by
First published: 3 March 2016

Boost your nutrient intake with this celery, spinach and cucumber juice recipe. Enjoy in the morning for a healthy start to the day or in the evening to help with a good night’s sleep – as celery contains the chemical serotonin, one of the most important brain chemicals for regulating the sleep/wake cycle.

Ingredients (serves 1)

1 cucumber

5 sticks of celery

2 apples

1 bag Fresh & Naked baby spinach leaves

1 lime

1tsp honey


Chop the cucumber, celery and apple into chunks. Put everything through a juicer then chill in the fridge.

Stir well before serving.

Recipe courtesy of lovethecrunch.com

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Celery, spinach and cucumber juice recipe
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