Fit tips from a British Military Fitness instructor

20 April 2017 by
First published: 13 January 2016

Serious about getting your fitness back on track this year? We caught up with British Military Fitness instructor Vicky Kerr ( to get her top tips on how to commit to those workouts all year long.

1. Keep a fitness journal!

A workout log can help keep your exercise routine on track when you’re struggling to stay motivated because it will show you how far you’ve come since you started, and therefore how worthwhile it is to keep going.

2. Commit yourself

Get moving. Just do it! There is no time like the start of a New Year. You’ve got the indulgences of Christmas behind you, but it’s important to commit. Why not write all the classes you can attend in your diary – so they are viewed as actual appointments and you’re less likely to cancel?   

3. Set short-term goals

Having something specific to aim for, such as losing a certain amount of weight or entering a race for example will help you stick to your training plan. But make sure your goals are achievable. Setting and failing to reach outlandish targets will put you off.

4. Find the fun in it

Exercise should not feel like torture. After all, you have made a conscious decision to do it. You can take great pleasure from overcoming challenges and progressing with your fitness alongside other people. Does that mean that it will be easy? No. In order to change your body, you need to experience ‘overload’. This means that you need to keep challenging your body in order to increase your fitness levels. However, you will improve your fitness levels if you rest and recover properly after each workout.

5. Reward yourself

Once you’ve hit one of your targets, reward yourself. By training and committing to your training you’ve earned the right to spoil yourself. Whether you treat yourself to a new item of clothing or a fitness-related gadget – enjoy your achievements.