3 quick fixes for tired winter skin

20 April 2017 by
First published: 2 January 2016
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Winter is well and truly underway and here at WHL know that all the harsh weather can take a toll on our skin, particularly the face. The cold winds, freezing temperatures and the use of indoor central heating can draw out much-needed moisture, making skin dehydrated, dry, sensitive and patchy. And let’s face it (excuse the pun), this is the last thing we need.

But you are not alone! Statistics show that over 81 million people are affected by annoying dry and itchy skin throughout the winter months, from November to March. And it’s not just how you look. A recent survey by the British Skin Foundation of 2000 adults found that 63 per cent had lowered self-confidence due to their skin. If it’s any consolation, we feel your pain!

So what can we do? Well, a facial is one of the best ways to breathe new life into your skin, and, lucky for you, we know just the places to go. Essentially, you want to avoid any harsh treatments such as deep exfoliations, steam treatments and peels, as these will irritate your skin further and draw out moisture that it’s already lacking. So it’s best to reserve these treatments for summer when your skin is healthier and generally less sensitive. Instead opt for deeply-hydrating, moisturising treatments that will nourish and repair. Furthermore, natural remedies and products are said to be the best winter skin saviours, so even if it means paying out a little more, we can assure you it’s totally worth it. So treat yourself this winter and pop down to a spa with our top picks.

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