3 ways to save more money

8 July 2014 by
First published: 18 March 2014

Short on cash? Check out these tiny tweaks that could save you big bucks with our 3 ways to save more money

Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves…
It sounds old school, but a good old-fashioned piggy bank is still one of the best ways to get the most out of your small change. Saving just 50p a day in small coins will get you just over £180 pounds in a year! Another great option is to invest in a pound jar – they only fit pound coins and can hold anywhere up to £200, perfect for saving for holidays or special occasions.

Make your own packed lunches…
Shop-bought lunches can make a real dent in your pay packet. Not only are the sandwiches and salads more expensive than making your own at home, but when you’ve got your wallet out you’re more likely to indulge in a few extras – a take-out coffee, a yoghurt for your afternoon snack or a piece of fruit – and it all adds up. Instead make a healthy homemade lunch in the morning, or the night before and pack your own snacks.

Make the most of free workouts…
Gym memberships can be very pricey, but if you’re struggling to fork out for one it doesn’t mean your fitness has to take a back seat. Working out outdoors – running, park workouts, long walks – is a great way to soak up Mother Nature and get your sweat on without putting a strain on your purse. If the outdoors doesn’t do it for you, keep your eyes peeled for free classes. Sweaty Betty offers free yoga and ballet barre sessions in lots of its stores; Nike runs free classes in its Oxford Street store and Lululemon offers lots of free and fun pop-up fitness events on its Facebook page.