Le Bab’s lamb Adana kebab recipe

17 October 2017 by
First published: 16 October 2015

Le Bab’s lamb Adana kebab recipe

Adana is a region in southern Turkey famed throughout the country for its kebabs. And we’re not talking greasy, Saturday night, post-pub kebabs. These are delicious, healthy culinary delights. So if you’re dieting, don’t be put off by the ‘k’ word!

Adana kebabs are known for being very spicy, making liberal use of biber, which is made by grinding dried red peppers that are grown in the region. Biber can be found in Turkish and Arabic supermarkets, but alternatively, dried chilli flakes will work almost as well.

The cooking term ‘sousing’ means to steep something in vinegar and results in something akin to an unfermented pickle.

Ingredients (serves 4)

For the Adana kebab:

600g lamb mince (use minced lamb breast if possible)

4tbsp soy sauce

1tbsp biber or chilli flakes (reduce amount for a less spicy kebab)

1tsp sumac

1tbsp ground cumin

1 clove garlic, finely grated

1/2 onion, finely chopped

1tsp parsley, chopped

1tsp thyme leaves

Salt and pepper

For the soused radishes:

8 radishes

150ml Sarsons malt vinegar

1 heaped tbsp demerera sugar


For the summer vegetables:

2 courgettes

150g frozen petits pois

1 clove garlic, finely grated

Vegetable oil


For the date chutney:

15 dates, stones removed

4tbsp Sarsons malt vinegar

6tbsp water

To serve:

150g Greek yoghurt

Small handful coriander and mint leaves, chopped.

4 flatbreads (ideally a thicker, softer style such as naan or pide)


Make the souring liquor by dissolving the sugar and a pinch of salt in the malt vinegar. Quarter or halve the radishes and pour the liquor over in a small bowl, ensuring that they are covered. Leave in the fridge over night.

Mix the kebab ingredients in a bowl and season with pepper and a little salt. Return the meat to the fridge to chill for half an hour, which will make it much easier to handle.

Slice the courgettes into quarters along their lengths and then dice into 1cm pieces. Heat a large frying pan over a high heat with some vegetable oil.

Add the courgette pieces in a single layer and cook until nicely coloured. Take care not to crowd the pan. Season with a little salt, add the grated garlic to cook for just one minute and remove to a bowl. Return the pan to the heat and pour in the frozen petits pois for two to three minutes until cooked, then add to the courgettes.

Place the dates, vinegar and water in a small pan over a low heat and cook until the dates have broken down and the chutney is smooth and sticky, for approximately eight minutes. If the dates begin to catch at any point, add a little more water.

Take the kebab mixture out of the fridge and divide into four equal sized balls. Shape these into long, sausage-shaped kebabs on four skewers. Cook the kebabs over a medium heat on the BBQ for five to seven minutes on each side or alternatively cook under the grill. Before serving, reheat the vegetables briefly in a pan and stir the herbs through the Greek yoghurt.

Place all the components on the table for people to help themselves!

For more…

Try these delicious recipes for chicken teriyaki and pork, ginger and Pink Lady dumplings.

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Le Bab’s lamb Adana kebab
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