5 things you can do to make your week healthier

7 September 2015 by
First published: 7 September 2015

If you’re lacking the motivation or know-how to perk yourself up, we’ve come up with 5 things you can do to make your week healthier – and get on the fast track to a happier you…


Drink more water

Lots of us don’t drink as much water as we should. It’s easy to forget when you’ve got a busy day and you feel like you need tea or coffee to energise you. Water is so beneficial for our bodies: it makes our skin clearer, improves our focus and busts fatigue. If you struggle with the taste of water, why not make up a jug with added chunks of cucumber and lemon? The flavours from the fruit and veg infuse with the water to create a super healthy but delicious drink. Hydrating is especially important if you’re active as you need to replace the fluid in your body that you lose through sweat.


Get more kip

Having an early night may seem a little dull, but even a couple of extra hours in bed can really leave you feeling really refreshed. More sleep not only leaves you feeling great but looking great too. A lack of sleep can actually slow down your metabolism, which is especially unhelpful if you’re trying to lose a few pounds. More sleep can help reduce dark eye-bags too. A few more hours of sleep a week can start to make you feel super healthy in no time.


Take care of your skin

Make some time to sort out your skincare routine. Why not get a nice face/body scrub and moisturiser to make your skin look and feel great. Not only will your skin appreciate the pampering time, but the scents from the products can help you relax and lower stress levels. By caring properly for your skin and getting it looking glowing, you will look and feel healthier instantly.


Get outside

Fresh air and exercise are key to feeling fit and healthy. It doesn’t have to be a hard-core run or gym session. Even a walk in the sunshine is really beneficial for your wellbeing as you get vitamin D from the sun and fresh air. Walk that extra 20 minutes home instead of getting the bus a few times a week and you’ll soon be on the road to a healthier lifestyle.


Snack smart

If snacking lets you down then a great alternate is to swap one snack a day for a healthier option. Instead of a cheeky bag of crisps with your lunch, try popcorn instead. If it’s not too heavily flavoured, popcorn is a great alternative as it satisfies that salty craving but is better for you than crisps or chocolatey snacks. It’s full of fibre, protein and vitamins, which make up a healthy diet. Our favourite snacking popcorn is Tyrrell’s Sweet and Salty Poshcorn, coming in at a mere 119 calories a bag.