5 things that every gym bunny knows

5 August 2015 by
First published: 12 August 2015

Regular treadmill-pounder? We bet these 5 things that every gym bunny knows will ring a bell. Specifically the alarm bell. Deep breaths, now.

1. Stealing people’s kit is NOT OK

That moment when you’re all set up and ready to crack on with your circuit and someone nicks your kettlebell. Not cool people, not cool.

2. But sweating IS cool

When you’re at the gym and people are looking at you like some sort of crazy because you’re out of breath and sweating buckets. People! This is the gym, I am supposed to be sweaty, I am supposed to be breathless – maybe you should stop chatting to your friend/Instagramming your trainers/checking yourself out in the mirror and you could get a good workout in too. Just sayin’.

3. Personal space is EVERYTHING

We are all at the gym to work up a sweat but that does not mean we want people in our personal space while we do it. Please take your sweaty mat at least half a metre away from mine!

4. Forgetting your pants/socks/padlock = actual nightmare

When you set your alarm for 6am, power-walk to the gym and open your bag to find…no trainers. Not a good day.

5. Timing is key

When you’re running late and they won’t let you into your class because you’re 10 minutes late. Or when you think your morning class is at 8am and it started at 7.30am. Or when you get up, show up and your class is cancelled – sooo not fun.