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Kettlebell snatch
First published: 23 February 2014
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The snatch is an Olympic lifting move that requires power and whole-body strength, and its fat-burning potential is massive. The kettlebell snatch is now a gym staple, and you won’t see a kettlebell workout without it.
If you’re a beginner, start with the lightest weight available to really perfect your technique – executing the move correctly has far more effectiveness than simply using a heavier weight.
Bend at the hips and knees to take hold of a kettlebell on the floor in front of you with one hand.
In one explosive movment, extend the body to take the kettlebell overhead, allowing your arm to bend to keep the kettlebell fairly close to your body.
Bend at the hips and knees again to allow the kettlebell to come back down between your legs and repeat.
Change arms with each full set.
Top tips:
Look ahead of you throughout the move.
Try not to hunch the upper back and shoulders
Focus on the glutes and extending the hips.