How to drink two litres of water a day

1 April 2015 by
First published: 16 March 2015

Getting your eight glasses of water a day? It seems not! Here’s how to drink two litres of water a day – no sweat!

Fewer than one in 250 people in the UK meet their total daily fluid needs with water

We’re all quite aware of how important staying hydrated is yet it seems most of us are guilty of leaving our bodies without enough H20. Nearly 60% of the UK population drinks just one glass of water or less a day while 80% drink no more than two glasses of water a day. Shocking! The findings from the UK Bottled Water Conference in collaboration with the Natural Hydration Council found that fewer than one in 250 people in the UK meet their total daily fluid needs with water.

Dr Emma Derbyshire, founder of Nutritional Insight Ltd and adviser to the Natural Hydration Council says: ‘It’s surprising that more people aren’t opting for water to keep them well hydrated. Water is extremely beneficial for the human body – it carries nutrients to cells, helps to remove waste products from our major organs and helps to regulate our body’s temperature. As well as being important for health, water is also calorie-free.’

So, if you need a hand hitting your daily quota, we’ve got some tips to keep you hydrated and healthy!

Keep a bottle of water at your desk
When you’re busy working the time flies by and before you know it two or three hours can pass before you remember to get up for a glass of water. Keeping a bottle of water next to your desk is such a simple and effective way to remind you to drink more. When it’s there right in front of you you’re much more likely to sip water throughout the whole day – and you’ll probably find you can concentrate better, too. Try the Brita Fill & Go bottle, it filters the water in the bottle and makes a nice feature for your desk!

Add fruit
If you don’t particularly enjoy drinking plain water make it a bit more fun with a bit of fruit in your glass or bottle. But resist buying cordials and create the fruity flavor yourself! It’ll taste much nicer and you might just find yourself glug glug glugging away that little bit more often – plus you’ll be treating your body to extra vitamins and minerals. Great flavour options are lemon, lime, orange or even cucumber and mint. Cucumber water also provides benefits for your skin and has useful antioxidant properties – so it’s win, win!

Use an app
If you often forget to drink up and need a little reminder look no further than the Daily Water app. It’s free and comes with a water tally chart so you can keep track of how much water you’ve had. You can set a goal for the day and plan a drinking schedule which will send you drink-up reminders! You’ll feel a real sense of achievement when you hit that target! Check it out here.

We Heart Living is an ambassador for the #BetterWithBRITA campaign. For more healthy tips and recipes head to