Delivery diets

7 August 2014 by
First published: 7 August 2014
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We run down the best delivery diets out there, to help you when time’s short, you’ve got a special event or you just need a little helping hand.

The basic formula for keeping in shape is a pretty simple one: use up more fuel than you put in – the more you burn off through exercise, the more literal brownie points you earn. It’s not always easy though, to find the time to fulfil the gym-based part of that transaction, especially if you like brownies as much as I do, so eating decent, balanced meals is also an important part of this. On the other hand, when you’re chained to your desk in excess of 8 hours a day, it’s tempting to rely a little too heavily on the almost constant supply of donuts strewn about the office. Sure it’d be easier if we were Gwyneth Paltrow and we had a personal chef on hand to fix us delicious, nutritious meals without too much thought on our part, but we’re not all commanding seven-figure salaries. Enter the delivery diet, which can provide a more affordable alternative for busy dieters in search of meal-time inspiration.

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