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Supergreens shots
First published: 11 March 2014

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Forget Tequila, these days ordering a round is all about getting your supergreens shots in.
Supergreens are one of the best ways to get your daily dose of nutrients, but these healthy powders aren’t always winners in the taste stakes. The best way to get your dose is to pop the powder in a shot glass and hurl it back – but even so the aftertaste can be less than desirable. So we’ve picked our favourite greens and added a little mixer to make them a bit more palatable.
This super-green powder is a great detoxer thanks to its high chlorophyll levels. It’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and is a must-buy for all health gurus.
Mix with… a little water and a squeeze of fresh lemon in a shot glass.
Organic Burst Wheatgrass powder, £6.69, organicburst.com
This fresh-water plant is a great immunity booster. It contains over 100 nutrients and is rich in B vitamins.
Mix with… Some fresh lime juice and throw it back!
Pukka Spirulina, £19.96, pukkaherbs.com
This powder is a great energy and immunity booster, and also has great alkalizing qualities.
Mix with… A dash of orange juice will make this green much more palatable
Sun Chlorella A Granules, £21.95, bodykind.com
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