Quick hangover cures

12 July 2014 by
First published: 18 July 2014

Banging headache? Feeling fuggy? Could drink a swimming pool of water? Yep, the classic signs of a hangover! Here’s some quick hangover cures so you feel better than new

Eating healthy doesn’t mean that you can’t have the odd tipple now and then. Why, even a glass of red can have benefits for your ticker and your waistline. But what if your senses get the better of you and the one glass turns into two, three and eventually a hangover the next day?  Be sure to get right back on track with our healthy guide to curing a hangover and getting back onto the road of fitness (almost) as quick as you tie your laces.


H2O is a must. We all know alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration. Sip water in between drinks and make sure you down a glass of water before crawling into bed after a night out.

Carb up

While no food can stop that hammering going on in your head, carbs can help bring your blood sugar levels up the morning after. The liver produces more glucose from stored carbs after blood sugar levels dip.

Feed time

What you eat before a night out is more important than what you eat the day after to lessen the pounding head. Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol and so it takes longer to get into the blood stream. No times to have a sit down meal? A glass of milk will do the trick.

Pop a pill

If you’re really hanging, then take a tablet that will help deal with the headache like an aspirin or ibuprofen. According to Dena Davidson, Ph D., former associate of psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine it’s best to take an anti-inflammatory drug like the above to prevent any medication interfering with the liver while it’s at work.

Move it

While the ‘sweat it out’ theory is a myth because alcohol starts leaving your body an hour after each drink, a bit of gentle exercise out in the fresh air may help. A walk or a gentle cycle could help boost the mood as well as burn off some of those extra liquid calories consumed the night before.

Go back to sleep

When you drink heavily and pass out your body generally doesn’t get a chance to enter R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep. When in R.E.M. state your body restores itself during the deepest rest. So pop on some soothing music, draw the curtains and tuck yourself in the covers for a few more hours’ shut-eye.

Best Cure? Prevention

Prevention really is key. Because while you can ease the symptoms of a hangover as well as tips on how to avoid one, there really is no cure for it. Just try not to make a regular habit out of it!