How skincare is ruining the environment

20 April 2017 by
First published: 3 July 2016
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Saying that your daily skincare routine is destroying the environment is a bold statement to make, but it might actually be spot-on, so here’s exactly how skincare is ruining the environment…

An in-depth study has found that the little plastic balls in many exfoliants and even toothpaste, known as microbeads, are the ones to blame. But how can something so tiny be so toxic?

When we wash with these products, the microbeads are rinsed down the sink and end up in our rivers, lakes and oceans. When they eventually reach the sea, microbeads are unmanageable and add to the ever-increasing volume of plastic that settles in our oceans.

Their minuscule size means that they can easily be mistaken by the wildlife for fish eggs or another source of food. What’s worse, the small plastic grains adsorb the toxic chemicals from the water, making them effectively into a toxic pill waiting to be eaten by an unknowing creature. This is destroying our ecosystems more and more every single day; every time people are washing themselves with these particular products.

But surely the sewers stop the microbeads in their tracks? Unfortunately, it’s not as straightforward as that, as the sewerage system doesn’t remove micro-plastic, and the microbeads can’t be broken down, so consequently they say in the water.

So if you depend on microbeads to scrub your skin to a flawless complexion, then unfortunately it’s time to set your priorities straight and get a new product! A poll by Greenpeace UK revealed that two-thirds of people in Britain are in favour of a nationwide ban of microbeads, but it’s a movement that’s been shrugged off and not taken too seriously.

One of the reasons to blame for this is the ongoing demand for scrubs containing these little critters! Corinne Morley, in-house skincare expert at Trilogy, believes: ‘the speed of the movement will be driven by consumer demand’.

It’s all about spreading awareness, it’s all about realising how harmful these products are for our environment and switching up our skincare routine and getting our family and friends to do the same. You, as a buyer, have a massive amount of power over this movement. By leaving products containing microbeads on the shelves and opting for a natural alternative, you are actively telling the manufacturer that there is no place for these environmentally-unfriendly products in the shops.

The more people who are aware of the damage this cleansing ingredient causes to our surroundings, the less people will buy products containing microbeads. This will decrease the demand and the nationwide ban of microbeads is more likely to come into place.

We all know exfoliation is a huge part of any beauty regime, and this isn’t a call to never do so ever again, just like it isn’t a call to stop purchasing scrubs, exfoliants and toothpaste. Instead, next time you head to the shops avoid products that contain microbeads and instead look for natural and biodegradable alternatives. Sugar, salt, plant extracts and even coconut husk are all natural and all have exfoliating properties that are kinder to your face AND to our world. So take a peek at these environmentally-friendly scrubs.

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