How to beat boredom on a detox diet

20 April 2017 by
First published: 12 January 2016

Healthy eating can be tough at the best of times, but there’s something about having to stick to a diet in January that makes life that little bit more difficult. Cupboards full of uneaten festive goodies, the temptation of ordering takeaways to ease the pain of returning to work, the withdrawal symptoms of sticking to low- or no-sugar foods after a fortnight of binging on cake and chocolate. As if cold weather and dark mornings aren’t depressing enough!

Although that post-mince pie lull can seem impossibly tough to get through, there are ways to make the January detox easier and in turn ensure it lasts well into the new year.

Clear out the cupboards

Whether it’s a gigantic tin of festive chocolates, multipack bags of crisps, or half-finished bottles of Baileys – having that sort of temptation lying around the house once New Year’s Eve is done can be too much to bear. It’s best to make sure those calorie-laden treats are gone or dished out to friends and relatives before the New Year’s resolutions begin. Clearing out the cupboards and starting with a clean slate will make it much harder to cave in and snack on unhealthy foods.

Make it tasty

Forget chalky diet shakes or bland, cardboard-textured rice cakes. It’s important to ensure your fresh start is a manageable lifestyle change that is not only easy but actually enjoyable. Use herbs and spices to create tasty flavours and add some awesome health benefits to your meals. Spices such as cinnamon can actually curb sugar cravings, and using cumin, sage or coriander to add flavour to dishes should reduce the need for salt.

Prep meals in advance

The easiest excuse for not sticking to a healthy regime is to blame a lack of ingredients and/or time. Make sure the cupboards are always well stocked and prep food in advance whenever possible, so that long working hours don’t get in the way of your good intentions. Invest in some new lunch boxes or stackable snack pots to make life even simpler.

Try something new

Whether it’s juicing, blending or sampling foods you’ve always been tempted to try but not been sure what to do with … January is the perfect opportunity to experiment. If you didn’t receive the latest kitchen gadget for Christmas, the January sales are always great for picking up a bargain. Try out something new to keep your health resolutions interesting.

Buy a cook book

Health chefs and dieticians often spend all year perfecting recipes in time for the rush to detox in January. With lots of healthy recipe books on the market, be inspired to create new dishes or try some more unusual combinations, which will not only keep your whole family happy but will kill the boredom of detox for you too.

Invite friends over

When it comes to weight loss it’s good to know you’re not alone. Encouragement from friends and family can work wonders to boost motivation. January sees us trying to save money and hibernate from the winter chill, so why not try out a couple of healthy new recipes and invite a few people over to act as guinea pigs for your renewed love of guilt-free cuisine? You can even share recipes and ideas and (fingers crossed) perhaps get an invite over to their place in return.