Boost your metabolism with tea

20 April 2017 by
First published: 25 June 2016

Having a cuppa is a daily ritual for many. Brewing a tea bag in hot boiling water, waiting a few minutes for it to brew, and adding a splash of milk before sipping away. With its fragrant aroma and subtle taste, teas are a comforting and tasty way to start your morning. Ranging from herbs and spices to blossoms and leaves, teas from around the world are unique and special in their taste.

Teas are also known to reap in health benefits. From increasing energy levels to preventing cancer, teas are a must to add to your diet. But what if they that could help you lose weight? Let’s have a look at the different types from all over the world that can boost your metabolism with tea, help you burn fat and lose weight – simply by sipping a cuppa in the morning!


White Tea 

This miraculous tea is known for its anti-ageing properties as well as its high antioxidant levels. White tea is less processed compared to black tea or green tea, which helps it retain high levels of phytochemicals. Studies have shown drinking this tea everyday can prevent adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells). It can also boost your metabolism – making you burn energy and reduce body fat faster. White tea is also great for skin, helping to repair damaged skin, and also protect it against the strong rays of the sun. Tip: Drink a cup of white tea in the afternoon when your metabolism levels are low, to boost them and keep your body on “fat-burning mode” during the day!


Yerba tea 

This traditional South American tea has been consumed for years in countries like Argentina, Uruguay and Peru. The tea is made from dried leaves of an evergreen holly, Ilex paraguariensis, a native plant of South America. It is called the “drink of the Gods” by many indigenous South Americans. A strong and acquired taste, this tea is a powerhouse, loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Yerba tea has been known to help reduce appetite. This can help to curb cravings, and increase energy expenditure, making you skip chocolate and chips more often. Tip: Drink this tea before bed to boost your metabolism while you’re asleep, so you can burn calories without even knowing it!


Green tea 

This Japanese concoction has gained worldwide popularity with its subtle and sweet taste, and heavenly aroma. Not to mention, its widely-renowned health benefits. If you take a peek at the ingredients list for any fat burning supplement, the chances are that green tea will be on that list. This is because green tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate, in human, controlled trials. Not to mention, some studies show that green tea can help kill bacteria and viruses like the influenza (the common cold), and lower the risk of infections in the body. A double win, hey? Tip: Drink three cups of green tea throughout the day, to perk up your metabolism and burn more calories!


Oolong tea

A traditional Chinese drink, oolong has a similar taste and aroma to black tea. It is partially fermented while black tea is fully fermented. Oolong tea is known for its weight loss properties, as it decreases body fat and speeds up metabolism by blocking fat building enzymes. Oolong tea may also prevent obesity by reducing abdominal fat and LDL cholesterol safely without any side effects. Tip: Drink this tea twice a day to reap its great health and weight loss benefits!


So take a look around your local grocery shop and pick up one of these teas. Teas are a simple and all natural way to perk up your metabolism, in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Sip on a delicious cup of tea and see yourself drop those pounds without even knowing it!