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Q&A with Sue Hill
First published: 25 October 2016

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Want to get involved in an event for cancer charities? Read this Q&A with Sue Hill, as the TV presenter has become a patron for Women V Cancer Ride the Night.
Q. How did you get involved with Women V Cancer?
A. One evening, I was chatting over after a few glasses of wine with friends, we saw the advert on Facebook and thought we could challenge ourselves.
Q. Did the 2016 event make you want to start training for 2017, or did you not find it too strenuous?
A. I’m fortunate to be healthy in my 50s and have kept reasonably fit. While 100K is a long way, most women who just exercise lightly can achieve the distance. I had only bought my bike a couple of months before. I recommend for others to do a bit more training in advance, but if you can’t you will still do it. I did!
Q. Did it inspire you to get more involved with the charity?
A. Simply put, yes. Being part of the sisterhood on the night – experiencing the camaraderie and support – was an amazing and uplifting experience. A dear friend of mine said it helped her to cope with the first anniversary of her sister’s death from breast cancer. Needless to say, she will be there in 2017!
Q. Are you feeling the pressure of being a patron, compared to being a participant last year?
A. It couldn’t be seen as pressure. It’s a privilege to be approached in the first place. I’ve already sought women to ride and have a lot already committing to my team ‘Sue’s Heroes’. I know that many more will want to sign up – but they’d better be quick before all the places are taken.
Q. Why is being a patron for Women V Cancer so important to you?
A. Like many, I’ve been touched by cancer – both by those that have succumbed and those that thankfully are still with us. I believe we can eradicate cancer, minimise suffering and stop unnecessary deaths. I have more time to give than ever before and feel the need and commitment to do more.
Q. Are you going to get your friends and family involved in the events?
A. I am approaching friends and family to ride, but also those who feel less confident or unable to ride. These are already committing to support the event through volunteering.
Q. Why is it so important that people get involved?
A. Cancer is pernicious and unnecessary. Together we can all achieve the aims of Ride the Night. Women setting themselves the challenge to ride and get fitter are making a personal statement and, through the money raised, they’re supporting all women.
Q. Who would your dream team be for the event?
A. Because we start in the shadow of Windsor Castle, any member of the Royal Family would be right up there together. As well as those who represented Team GB in the Olympic and Paralympic games.
Q. What would your advice be for those who have been affected by cancer and want to help with a charity?
A. Dealing with cancer and supporting those affected is a difficult challenge, but there is a place within Ride the Night 2017 for everyone who wants to make a difference. I was truly humbled when witnessing those who were in remission or in treatment, cycling this year. If they can do it everyone can, so ride, volunteer, and of course, always sponsor those doing it.