The British Military Fitness New Year workout

20 April 2017 by
First published: 7 January 2016

For a toned tush…

Jump lunge

Step forward, landing on your heel first, then lower yourself until your front knee is at a 90-degree angle to the ground and directly above your front foot. Your back knee should continue until it nearly touches the ground.

Jump up, bursting into the air, and switch legs in the air so you can complete the exercise landing on the other leg.

Complete 10 times on each leg.

Jump squats

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your temples with your elbows pulled back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to keep your back upright.

Lower your bum down to the floor and then as you stand back up, jump up into the air, landing in the starting position.

Complete 10 -15 times.

Glute bridge

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat to the ground.

Proceed to raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Hold this position for 30 seconds, before lowering your body back to the starting position.

For abs of steel…


Lie on your back with your arms either crossed over your chest or by your head and place your legs at a 90-degree angle at your hip and knee joints. Slowly raise your shoulders off the floor by contracting your stomach muscles.

Make sure your eyes stay focused straight ahead and that your neck is kept in line with your spine but relaxed.

Superwoman press-up

Start by lying on your front with your hands flat on the floor under your shoulders. Lift your upper body, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep your abs tight to protect your lower back.

Lift up your body with your hands into the press up position.

Then raise one arm out to the front, making sure you keep your balance by keeping your stomach muscles tight.

Lower your body slowly to the floor for the press-up and repeat using the other hand.

Repeat 5 times on each side.

For luscious legs…

Tuck jump

Start in the standing position and jump into the air. As you do, bring your knees as high up as you can.

Return to starting position and repeat 20 times.


Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your temples you’re your elbows pulled back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to keep your back upright.

Lower your bum down to the floor and then return to starting position.

Complete 10 times.

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