10 ways to save money this January

20 April 2017 by
First published: 14 January 2017

Strapped for cash after Christmas? Here are 10 ways to save money this January.

Christmas is a lovely time of year, but it can also drain you of your money. However, you can easily save money in the New Year with some nifty little tricks.

Check your WiFi

When you’re at home or even when you’re out and about, make sure your WiFi is turned on. There’s nothing more frustrating than realising that you’ve been using up your phone’s data when you didn’t need to be. Many public places now have WiFi, so make sure you check.

Netflix and chill

By this we literally mean kicking back in front of your Netflix subscription. Going to the cinema on a regular basis can be very expensive. If you love having access to a wide range of films and TV shows, then opt for a subscription service such as Netflix or Amazon Prime.

Workout online

You don’t need to pay for a gym membership to fit regular exercise into your weekly regime. There are so many workout videos on YouTube uploaded daily that will motivate you to work out no matter where you are, even from the comfort of your own living room.

Walk it off

Travelling to work by public transport can be costly. If your journey usually involves taking multiple trains and buses, try replacing at least one part of your journey with walking. It’ll reduce the cost of your daily commute and give you a daily burst of fresh air and exercise.

Every penny counts

When your salary comes in every month, it can be all too tempting to splurge and treat yourself to something nice. Before you buy anything, put a portion of the sum to one side. By the time the year has finished, you’ll have saved a small fortune.

Have fun for free

Stuck for ideas of fun things to do that won’t cost you an arm and a leg? Believe it or not, there are loads of free events taking place all the time that you can go to. Comedy shows, open-mic nights, film screenings… you name it, with some research you’ll discover that you can probably do it for free!

Shop in bulk

It can be far most cost efficient to buy your necessities in bulk than to only buy a few things at once. It will stop you from having to make numerous shopping trips during the month whenever you run out of your essentials, so you’ll save time as well as money. What a bonus.

Lists, lists and more lists!

Whenever you go shopping, make a list and stick to it. You’re far more likely to make those silly, impulse buys when you haven’t planned out what you’re going to buy beforehand. Compiling lists will definitely keep your spending in check.

Homemade cooking

Making your own meals may sound like a tedious task, but it’ll save you a bucketload of cash in the long run. Make an effort to cook a large meal on a Sunday evening that you can then have for your lunch at work during the week, instead of buying your nosh every day.

Don’t leave your leftovers behind

If the prospect of eating leftovers sounds awful to you, there are things that you can do to spruce them up. Rather than throwing leftovers away and then spending your money on more food, add some different ingredients or spices. Experimenting with food can be fun, cost efficient and extremely tasty!