Q & A with health guru Zanna Van Dijk

13 October 2015 by
First published: 22 October 2015

How did you get into health and fitness?

It was a gradual process. I was a typical university student, eating poorly and enjoying a good party. I slowly realised that I was not comfortable with how I was looking, my skin was breaking out and I was tired and sluggish. I decided to attempt to become healthier. It was not a smooth journey, there was a lot of trial and error; stops and starts. I eventually found my own balance and it became a passion of mine.

What inspires you to lead a balanced, healthy lifestyle?

The way it makes me feel. I enjoy what I eat and how I train. I am full of energy, I am strong and I am fit. I am confident and happy. I don’t want to lose this feeling!

What exactly is GirlGains and how did it start? 

I could go on for hours about #girlgains and everything it means. I recently wrote a blog post all about girl gains, what it is and how it started, which I recommend checking out. However, in summary, it is a movement that aims to unite women and inspire them to become fitter, healthier and happier. It brings women together online and in real life through events. We discuss not only physical gains but gains in happiness, confidence and self-love too.

Do you think that it’s easier to stay motivated if you surround yourself with those who are also into fitness?

Oh yes, definitely. I think it is great to have friends who have the same interest in health and fitness. You can motivate, inspire and support each other. You can train together, share recipes and encourage one another. However, I think it is also good to have friends who do not have the same interest, as it grounds you and shows you that fitness is not the be-all and end-all. Sure, kale and green juices are great but so is going out for sushi with your housemates.

We’ve noticed that you have a thing for peanut butter and sweet treats… how do you find a balance? 

You’re right… I am known as the crazy lady who loves peanut butter and anything salted caramel. I personally find balance in allowing myself a little treat every single day. It isn’t big or excessive. It might be a few pieces of Galaxy chocolate or a hefty tablespoon of peanut butter on my yoghurt, but it’s something I enjoy and savour. Then I never feel deprived. I also love making healthy versions of my favourite treats. My current favourite is my beetroot brownies recipe!

When it comes to food and working out, do you prioritise one more than the other? Or is it 50/50? 

They are both given high priority in my life. I try and train four to five times a week and I follow the 80/20 rule with my diet. That means 80% of the time I eat clean whole foods and 20% of the time I enjoy treats and less wholesome meals. Both training and nutrition are essential to getting results, so I try and keep on top of both!

It seems you’re always busy working on different projects. Is it difficult to balance it all? Or have you got used to it? 

In the beginning it was a struggle, as I simply had too much on my plate. However, my mentor recently told me to read a book called Essentialism by Greg McKeown, which has totally changed my life. I now say ‘no’ to any opportunities or meetings that are not beneficial for me, that aren’t earning me money or are simply not worth my time. It was hard at first as I want to take every single thing offered to me, but if you spread yourself too thin you will never make progress. Now I prioritise the most valuable projects and put them first. Saying ‘no’ may feel rude, but think about it as a decision to better yourself and to make yourself more productive. Just do it nicely!

What would your down-time consist of? 

Sleeping? Haha! If I have downtime I try to get outside for some fresh air and a walking the park. Otherwise I will catch some easy-watching TV and switch off for 30 minutes. Or call a friend and catch up.

What would you advise someone who wants to start their own health and fitness blog? 

Do it for the right reasons. Do it to share your passion, your knowledge and your journey. If you are not in it for these reasons, it will become clear and you will find it hard to stick with it. It will feel like hard work and a chore. If it is something that you love, it should feel like fun!

Are there any plans for the future? 

Well, a year ago I would have never seen myself where I am today. So it is hard to say where I will be in the future. I just hope that whatever I am doing, I am happy and healthy and surrounded by positive people. I hope for continued success with my fitness blogging, personal training and modelling. I hope to continue to grow the #girlgains movement, and if I dream big… I hope to take #girlgains international! Fingers crossed.